
Parents are expected to be prompt in order to honor the teachers commitment to teach their children.

Parents are expected to be prompt also to respect the teacher’s needs to care for themselves and their own families and households.

A list of activities

My Musical Mind
Finger Plays
Music Reading Readiness Curriculum


Native Plants

Urban Landscape

Board Games
Card Games
Building Games
Outdoor Games

Afterschool Clubs

A tour of the Music Room includes keyboards, violins, and guitars, as well as percussion instruments, all with their own Music Reading Readiness Kits, a published series from

Art projects include drawing, painting, sculpting and crafts.

Objects from Nature in my Texas Wildscape invite children to explore them.

Seed growing and planting lets us participate in growing our own food.

An evolving curriculum based on individual learning styles for confidence and independence supports the child weekly.

Parent Participation

When pre-school children come for music classes, parents are asked to copy what I do.  This guides and comforts the young child, who is learning how to behave in new settings of all kinds.  By watching the parent, the child learns that it is OK to do new things.  S/He is empowered to try them out in a nurturing setting.

Kacky Muse After-School Activity Clubs


Our most precious resource is the minds of our children.  Teaching young children to engage their minds, hands, bodies, emotions, spirit, gives them a life vocabulary of substance and meaning.

Children enjoy reading when they are read to.

Children enjoy making music, making art.

Children enjoy counting and exploring numerical relationships.

Children enjoy nature, gardening and cooking.

Children enjoy being outside and they enjoy all kinds of games.

It is important that children move and experience the real world in real time.

Kacky Muse After-school Activity Clubs gives children strength and confidence in their enjoyment of arts and Nature.

Introducing Kacky Muse Music

Kacky Muse is the character I have created who interacts with children and their families to teach them music.  In each session, we transition into our music space with three deep breaths of inspiration.  The first deep breath of inspiration is for ourselves.   The second is for all the people we know, and the third is for all the people we don’t know, all over the planet.

Once we are in our musical space, we warm-up our voices, do a rhythmic chant, develop finger strength and flexibility with a finger-play, and sing a song.  Each session celebrates a theme.  It may be a seasonal theme, a theme about identity, a special occasion or an everyday event.

During each session, your child works with a musical instrument and special Music Reading Readiness symbols.  From the first simple instruments, Rhythm Sticks, Triangles, Xylophones and more, all the way to Piano, Violin, and Guitar, your child is empowered to make musical decisions by using Composing Cards with the Music Reading Readiness symbols on them.  Your child develops coordination, visual tracking, and, or course, has the fun of playing original musical patterns.

Because the Composing Cards and Musical Pattern Books are so easy to use, you and your child may continue to enjoy them in your home.  They are very engaging over and over again as your child creates new musical patterns each time. (

(Note: There are developmental stages where the child will create the same patterns until that stage is satisfied before exploring new musical combinations.)